Mix Lemon Juice And Alum To Treat These Skin And Hair Problems In Winters

To prevent wrinkles, mix this white thing in lemon juice and apply it on the face, these beauty problems will also go away

Lemon juice and alum can be used to reduce wrinkles and blemishes on the face. Apart from this, some beauty problems that occur in winters are also reduced by this remedy.

Benefits of using alum mixed with lemon

Lemon Juice With Alum For Skin: Alum is a common household item but it is also used for skin care and good health. Alum is also used with some food items. Alum has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-biotic properties. These elements solve many problems related to skin, hair and health. One way to use alum is with lemon juice. If you mix a little alum in lemon juice and use it, many of your problems can be solved. Let's know about those benefits of lemon-alum.

The problem of wrinkles is reduced

One of the benefits of alum and lemon juice for the skin is that this mixture prevents wrinkles from appearing on your face. To avoid the problem of wrinkles, you can apply lemon juice and alum on the face.

Remove freckles

Alum and lemon juice can also be used to reduce acne marks, dark spots and freckles on the face. Applying alum mixed with lemon juice reduces the problem of acne and pimples.

Skin Exfoliation

To clean the layer of dead skin deposited on the skin, you can apply lemon juice mixed with alum. This exfoliates your skin and deep cleans the skin. This improves the skin.

Relief from dandruff problem

Alum and lemon can also prove to be great for your hair. The anti-fungal and anti-bacterial elements present in alum provide relief from the problem of dandruff in winters. This mixture helps in preventing bacteria and infection in the scalp. You can apply a mixture of lemon juice and alum on your head, which can relieve you from the problem of dandruff.

Dry Hair

A mixture of alum and lemon juice can also prove beneficial in reducing the problem of dry and scattered hair. You can apply alum and lemon juice mixed in coconut oil. This increases the shine and softness of the hair. Disclaimer: Dear readers, this article only provides general information and advice. It is in no way a substitute for medical opinion. Therefore, always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. thehealthsite.com does not claim responsibility for this information.


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