Kendall Jenner's Beauty Secrets To Get Rid Of Acne

Kendall Jenner's beauty secrets to get rid of acne

If we'd really like to have the silhouette of Kendall Jenner, or her long legs (or her bank account as long as we go), we're happy to settle for her perfect skin, for now. Precisely, the young model shared on her blog her secrets to get rid of her acne…

Kendall Jenner has it all: fame, beauty, wealth, and a career that has taken off at breakneck speed.

Add to that a loving family (although a little overbearing, no?), and you have a very lucky young wife.

And yet, the star admitted to having suffered a lot from her acne, a few months ago. "I felt like an outcast, when I spoke it was with one hand in front of my face," she explains on her blog.

But then, how can she display such luminous skin today?

According to Kendall Jenner, she owes her baby skin to her dermatologist Christie Kidd, who also gives some advice on how to imitate the top model's beauty routine.

beauty tips for acne free skin

Obviously, it's mostly about promoting Dr. Kidd's beauty products, but here are 5 tips to follow:

Always remove make-up in the evening, and cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser morning and evening.

Apply an anti-acne lotion.

Prefer moisturizing creams with sun protection, SPF15 minimum.

Use a brightening serum for the evening to fade acne scars.

Treat yourself to a laser session with a dermatologist to erase scars and redness.

We almost expected to discover an unexpected advice, the one that would save us forever from the pimple that shows up the day before a romantic date, but no.

Try to stick to a simple but effective facial care routine!

Doubled with a balanced diet (with anti-acne foods) and good hydration, this should allow you to say goodbye to your acne or adult acne!


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